Property Features

  • Air Conditioning
  • Bakeware
  • Basic Cooking Essentials
  • Bath
  • Beddings and Sheets
  • Bedrooms
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Cookware
  • Dinnerware
  • Drip Coffee Maker
  • Games & Entertainment
  • Glassware
  • Ground Coffee & Tea
  • Heating
  • Heating & Cooling
  • Hot Tub
  • Housekeeping
  • Internet & Workspace
  • Kitchen & Dining
  • Kitchen Cleaning Supplies
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Outdoor
  • Pillows and Blankets
  • Pool/Spa
  • Serveware
  • Silverware
  • Towels
  • Travel-Sized Toiletries
  • TV
  • Water Filter
  • Wifi
You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App
